Legal Notice

Managing Director
Pascal Beaud
Florian Kulla
Timo Rebentisch

Xervices GmbH
Omniturm, Große Gallusstraße 16-18
60312 Frankfurt am Main
Fon: +49 (0) 69 365055 0
Fax: +49 (0) 69 365055 2199

Umsatzsteuer-IdNr.: DE 265519975
Handelsregister HRB 120210
Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main

Legal Notice
Xervices GmbH continuously checks and updates the information on their website. Despite all attention to keep information current, it may since posted have changed.

Therefore, we cannot be made liable or guarantee for the up-to-datedness or correctness and completeness of the information made available. The same applies to all other websites that are referred to by hyperlink. Xervices GmbH is not liable for the content of any external websites accessed by hyperlink.

Furthermore, Xerrvices GmbH reserves the right to revise or amend the information provided.

Content and structure of Xervices GmbH’s website are protected by copyright. Duplication of information or data, in particular the use of text, a text component or images are subject to approval of Xervices GmbH.